
How Often Home Air Filter Change

It would help if you frequently changed your air filters to maintain the highest air quality in your house and keep your system functioning effectively. Your HVAC system will run smoothly and effectively if the air filter is kept clean. If you know how frequently you should change your air filter in the first place, you'll find it easier to remember to accomplish this crucial duty. This tutorial explains how frequently you should change your home's air filter.

Home Air Filter Change Depends on Different Things

1. Type of Filter

The kind of filter you employ significantly impacts how frequently you need to change it. Fibreglass and pleated air filters are the two major types of filters available. Although both are disposable, there are several significant distinctions between them.

Fibreglass Air filters

Although less effective in removing airborne dust and particles, fiberglass air filters are more cost-effective than metal ones. These need to be changed typically once every 30 days or less.

Pleated air filters

Cost more upfront, but they are more effective at capturing particles and, depending on usage, can last up to 90 days.

You can find the manufacturer's suggestions for the replacement schedule when you buy a new air filter. However, based on the subsequent considerations, it is only an essential recommendation; you may need to alter it more frequently or less frequently.

For Example, few filter brands provide a subscription service that regularly sends fresh filters to your house. If you want to avoid having to worry about remembering to buy a new air filter, choose an air filter subscription.

2. Home Size

The size of your home greatly influences the frequency of filter changes. For instance, large homes use their furnace or air conditioner to move more air. It implies the filter can become soiled quickly and must be changed more frequently. Smaller homes require less air movement from the HVAC system, which may result in fewer frequent air filter replacements.

For example, Smaller homes may have smaller air conditioners with smaller air filters. As a result, replacing the filter may be necessary more regularly than in a larger home.

3. Air Purity

The quality of the air outdoors can significantly influence the frequency with which your air filter needs to be cleaned and becomes unclean. For example, if you reside in a big city, your air filter will clog up considerably more quickly due to impurities like smoke, dust, and other particles that seep inside. Another significant factor in the requirement for frequent filter replacements is smoke from wildfires. Check your air filter to see if it needs to update on days with smoky conditions and poor outdoor air quality.

4. Pets

The air quality is impacted by furry family members, even though many like having them in their homes. They release pet hair and dander into the air, bringing in dirt, pollen, mildew, and other poisons from outdoors. If you have a pet or pets, inspect your air filter each month and change it when it becomes clogged.

5. Allergies

You might minimize your allergy symptoms by using a high-quality air filter and following a more frequent replacement schedule. If there is excessive dust, pet hair, or other allergens floating around in your home, the symptoms of coughing, sneezing, and runny nose could worsen.

6. Season

The changing seasons will affect how often you change your air filters. Your HVAC system will run less frequently in the warm spring and fall, so your filter won't get as dirty as quickly. However, the filter will capture more impurities once the heating and cooling seasons begin.

When the weather is nice, and you aren't using the air conditioning, leave your doors and windows open and spend more time outside. Your home's toxins may worsen during these months, yet your air filter isn't capturing them.

Your seasonal allergies can get worse as a result. Change the thermostat's fan switch from AUTO to ON to increase the air quality. Without heating or cooling, the fan will circulate the air in your house via the filter. If you decide to use it in the spring and fall, you must replace your air filter as usual.

7. Occupancy

Replace high-quality air filters to turn your home into an oasis before they get too dusty and blocked up. Mold, dust mite droppings, dander, and pollen are indoor air contaminants affecting children more than adults. If you have young children in your house, use high-quality pleated air filters and replace them as frequently as every two months.

According to the adage, an air filter's lifespan generally increases with lower home occupancy and decreases with higher home occupancy. A vacation property will require filter changes much less frequently than a large family home with several occupants. If you live alone, don't have any pets, and have good outside air, the manufacturer's recommendations for filter replacement will work well for you.

8. Vision Examination

Only by visually inspecting the air filter once a month can you determine how frequently to change it. You'll be able to gauge how rapidly it becomes dirty after a few months. First, you must reevaluate whether you have adopted a new pet or the outdoor air quality needs to be corrected.

Hold an air filter up to a light source to inspect it. If the filter becomes clogged so light cannot pass through it, it must replace a replacement.

By capturing mold, pollen, and other impurities that circulate through the system, your HVAC air filter aids in maintaining the quality of the air inside your home.

Determine how frequently you should change your filter for the most outstanding indoor air quality. Then, consider the above-mentioned criteria to decide on a replacement schedule and what kind and quality filter you should use.


Get your favorite brand quickly and easily from our website and deliver it to your door when it's time to replace your filters. When and where you need them, The Home Depot will deliver orders placed online. Alternatively, have our experienced experts handle the HVAC maintenance.

How Often Home Air Filter Change

Frequently Asked Questions

What occurs if the air filter in your home needs to be changed?

The quality of the air within your home will drop. The debris passes through a highly blocked and unclean air filter, enters your HVAC system, and circulates throughout your home. It can make allergies, asthma, and other long-term respiratory disorders worse.

Can I clean my home's air filter rather than change it?

Although replacing a dirty air filter might be your first thought, cleaning it might increase lifespan and reduce overall costs. If you use a vacuum and cloth to clean your cabin air filter three times a year, you can increase its lifespan by around six months. A cabin air filter typically lasts about a year without cleaning.

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